UPDATED: 9/29/24 with comments in red.
It continues to amaze me how anyone is willing to vote for Donald Trump. Sure, we need to get back to more conservative values (obliterate DEI, quotas, and the out-of-control woke nonsense like pretending transgender people are normal and educating young children that this is okay), fiscal policy, and reduce government by maybe 50% or more at all levels. Do not get me wrong, I am 100% for equality of treatment of people. Just not equal outcomes. It seems our younger generation cannot tell the difference.
Trump is clearly not very bright, is totally unethical, is a prolific criminal, and will be going to jail soon too. I doubt anyone ever got indicted for over 100 felonies and got off without a jail sentence. Only corruption in the system would prevent him from getting a long sentence.
How can anyone think voting for him, instead of insisting on better candidates, is a good thing?! It means they are either ignorant of the facts (listed below, which are in the news everywhere), dumb, or completely unethical. You cannot claim being ethical if you want to support a criminal for the most powerful office in the world. Period. Here is just a partial list of his crimes and lies:
It seems like the definition of a sociopath and narcissist: doing whatever you want while harming others without any regret or conscience. And a pathological liar too.
26 reasons Trump is unfit for any public office (and as a CEO).
- The big lie is, “The election was fixed.”. More than 50 judges, many appointed by him and a Republican, have ruled there is no zero evidence of that. A very low standard for a lawsuit to move forward. All dismissed, and Rudolf Giuliani is likely to lose his law license for this fraud. [Giuliani has now been disbarred and ordered to pay tens of millions in damages to election workers he falsely accused of election tampering]. You do not need a link to this, as he repeats this clear lie most days.
- String of frauds, loan trial where his financial statements were fraud. The verdict is coming soon, but just for the judgement. The judge already said he committed fraud. See here Fraudulent financial statement case explained here in a DOJ hearing.
- [Ordered to pay hundreds of millions to recapture the profits generated by his bank fraud by misvaluing assets to get better loan rates].
- Bankruptcies list. No short list there, seven. Basically, almost every business he ever ran was a failure, and if he did not start with a $400 million inheritance from his father, Fred Trump, he would have been a failure. He has wasted billions that came from that inheritance when adjusted for inflation over 40 years.
- Trump Taj Mahal, Filed in 1991
- Trump Plaza Hotel, Filed in 1992
- Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts—Filed in 2004
- Trump Entertainment Resorts: Filed in 2009 [2] [4]
- Fraudulent use of a non-profit to purchase collectibles, support his campaign, and hang art in his offices. Banned from ever again opening a nonprofit in New York, I believe. The Washington Post story here
- Jean Carrol: Twice lost as a sexual abuser and defamation. Happy to see a judgement that will have an impact that he cannot make up in fundraising lies.
- Trump Airlines, Taj Mahal Casino, a clip of that organization’s president saying, “Trump just does not understand when you don’t pay people; eventually you run out of vendors” (paraphrased). Look it up on YouTube, part of a documentary. See here Over 600 people were unpaid and banned together, bankrupting many people. Over 4,000 lawsuits, mostly for not paying people. He will find any excuse not to pay his vendors, including recent venues for his campaign events.
- Jan 7th insurrection. Watch the videos. Lots of smoking guns there. Connections and conversations with instigators of violence found on cell phones to Whitehorse staff by the January 6th Committee. Still much to come out at trial, I think. This riot and invasion (not a protest outside) killed 5 people! It was an attempted coup.
- The fake electors scheme. I can’t wait for that trial and conviction, as his minions are turning on him to sing. See here Many fake electors have already been convicted for these crimes, leaving no doubt that it was a huge conspiracy with only one person that benefited directly. Many have said they were duped with lies.
- Inheritance theft of hundreds of millions from his own family by fraudulent valuation (an old standard for him). Basically, he valued the properties he got lower than than their market value and increased the valuation of others to create the appearance of a fair distribution to other heirs See NY Times documentary.
- As COVID started, Trump said on video he preferred sick people to be locked on a cruise ship, so his “numbers” stay low. Not just dumb as a small delay of the truth, but also sociopathic. Let people get sick and die for my personal convenience. See from here. Basically, he said, “Let people die and get sick because it will be a little more convenient for me for a week or two.” Did he not understand this obvious scenario? Does this alone not prove he is a total sociopath? I think the so.
- He is a horrible, horrible businessman. Ironic because it is often cited by ignorant folks supporting him as to why they want to vote for him. A joke with real businesspeople. If he had taken his (stolen) inheritance of $400M and just put it in a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), he would be worth over $5 billion. Doing nothing for over 35 years. Yet his excessive spending and bad management of companies are now bringing all that to bankruptcy again. The antithesis of a good leader, Trump, is immature and self-centered, and I believe both a malignant narcissistic and a sociopath. As do many professional psychologists, BTW, who are unable to “diagnose” him even though we have plenty of evidence and behavior on TV due to the ethics code of psychologists. The Apprentice is a comedy for real leaders. Only people who know nothing about business and leadership would say he is more than a hack. He has others run the hotels that license the name Trump and lacks even the most basic management and leadership skills. It is a testament to how broken our election system is that someone so incompetent can win a national election.
12. Apparent mental health and cognitive decline in the last year is obvious now as he confuses people and situations. He rambles endlessly with things that make no sense and literally makes things up on the fly when he is cornered with real questions. Like Hatians eating cats and dogs in Ohio. He invents problems to cause fear and position himself as the only savior—but often the problem does not even exist. See here
13. Pathological liar. See for a list of just a few hundred of Trump’s thousands of lies here. So many clips follow Hitler’s PR strategy of making the lie big and keep repeating it—because most people are stupid and will eventually believe it. Trump praises Hitler, Putin, and other evil dictators who kill from tens of millions to hundreds of thousands for their own political advantage.
14. The Trump organization was convicted of tax fraud as a systemic culture at his company. Guilty on all charges. Paying people millions under the table. The CFO testifies this was under the direction of Donald Trump. CFO went to jail for this already.
15. Whistleblowers list. Yes, lots of those with books and interviews revealing the real Trump are easily available. These are insiders who worked with him for years. Many said they stayed even though they were fearful of what he could do in the White House because they were trying to prevent disaster. See here.
Here are just a few of the prominent ones:
- Mark Esper, Former Secretary of Defense
- John Bolton former National Security Advisor
- Mick Mulvaney, Former Acting Chief of Staff
- Anthony Scaramucci former White House Communications Director
- Nikki Haley former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
- Chris Christie, Former Governor of New Jersey
- David Bossie, Former Deputy Campaign Manager
16. Cheating at golf. It is said to be common knowledge he cheats and fixes his “tournaments.”.
17. Audio clip of “grabbing pussy.”. In his own words, check here and bragging about sexually assaulting women.
18. Insurrection: Jan 6th, 2021, limo ride and his attempt to go to the capital riot physically assaulting the secret service agents to get to the capital and support the insurrection. An irrational inability to control himself, as shown in court constantly and recently as he commits slow suicide by ignoring the judges. This was earlier in the day at the rally, telling Secret Service to let them in even if they had weapons because they are “my people.”. Proving he knew they were there for planned violence. Basically, he facilitated the weapons and was told by the Secret Service they were armed before encouraging them to all march to the Capitol! Evidence of conspiracy. See here
19. Russia wanted to help him get elected. Well documented hacking attempts. Why would one of our most dangerous rivals want Trump elected? I believe the only logical answers are: 1. They thought he was incompetent and easy to manipulate with money and ego; and 2) they had blackmail evidence on him they could use. I am not saying he even knew about this.
20. Many psychologists have called Trump a “malignant narcissist.”. 40+ psychologists wanted to write a public letter, but the industry ethics code prevents that in any case if he is not your patient, and of course if he is your patient too. How convenient for them? Check here see also from here This list shows the top ten symptoms and shows him doing all those things in videos. Hilarious. Sad. More from the well-respected Guardian, see here
21. Stolen top secret documents that risked the national security of the United States and included military response plans. It seems there is no good reason to keep this other than to monetize them later. Traitorous behavior. Proven in pictures from the FBI raid, not in doubt.
22. Killed an extra 250k to 500k people in the COVID crisis due to inaction and ignoring science, arguably to keep his hotels open and lies covered longer. Is this not the definition of a sociopath? He admitted to Bob Woodward that he “played it down.”. And admitted he knew how contagious it is on audio tape too. Now this number is just my opinion, but others concur, and I accurately projected 250,000 to 500,000 killed from COVID in February 2020 by just overlaying the early data from Wuhan, China, on the U.S. population. I did not know that Trump would essentially help it along by downplaying the danger, such that there are over 6.9 million deaths in the world and about 1.2 million in the USA. Mostly preventable deaths if it had been managed better, listening to the science known at the time. A case can be made that he allowed over 500,000 extra people to die, just in the USA.
Any one or two of these things is enough to reject anyone as a presidential candidate. Or even much lower offices. Trump may be the most successful president in history. But that is about it. He has squandered what his father created and will likely lose it all now and spend the rest of his life in jail. Or flee the USA to a non-extradition country.
Collectively, this list proves Donald Trump is not just unethical but a prolific felon. Over 100 criminal charges and more coming. And we have already seen much of the evidence.
Anyone voting for Trump is either ignorant of these facts, stupid, or unethical. You cannot claim to be ethical if you are voting for a convicted felon, fruad, liar, and rapist for president.
And here are some other things that may not be crimes but certainly are very bad judgement, which makes him incompetent for any serious office:
- Compromised by Russia? Why else would Russia want him in office if they did not think they could blackmail or influence him? It is documented that he spent time at Russian hotels and that the secret police in Russia have a standard practice of bugging and videotaping rooms to collect blackmail evidence.
- Took money while in office from China? Okay, well, I think he should get a pass on this one because his business is hotels and Chinese people need to rent hotel rooms too. But given his seedy past, I expect there was some quid pro quo going on here, just like it was rumored he was selling pardons for $1M+ each in his final days in office. Putin certainly has the goods on Trump.
- Pardons sold to wealthy people and friends as clear abuse of power. Here is a list of 74 pardoned within hours of leaving office: How much do you want to bet there were payments and/or promises made in many, if not most, of these pardons?
- Nepotism: Trump appointed incompetent relatives as staff with no experience in those areas. Okay. So that is not a crime maybe, but it is incompetence and nepotism. And these people have collected billions as a result of this influence selling.
So, how dumb do you have to be to support, in any way, this prolific criminal? Very! Basically, I think you need to be a dumb hillbilly with no schooling trapped in a Trump internet bubble or cult-like camp. Certainly, you need to be very ignorant of most of the above facts and likely lack critical thinking skills too. Do you not understand that corruption, fraud, and mental illnesses should disqualify people for potions of power?
If the Republican Party even allows Trump to be their presidential candidate, they are committing political suicide. I have thought for years everyone would abandon Trump as the Republican convention approaches. They are just hoping to tap his base for funding and endorsements.
Any legislator or senator who supports the big lie is perpetrating fraud on the American people. And is therefore unfit for office, as Chris Christie said well.
I have thought for years everyone would abandon Trump as the Republican convention approaches. If not, he has no chance of winning anyway. Politicians are waiting to get funds from his base and will jump ship in 2024. They are also hoping to tap his base for endorsements and are afraid of his famous retribution and revenge on anyone that says anything bad about him. This is the behavior of a child, not an adult.
Anyone, including legislators or senators, who supports “the big lie” is perpetrating fraud on the American people.
And is therefore unfit for office, as Chris Christie said very well after pulling out of the race. His main purpose in running was to expose who Trump really is—fighting the constant lies from him put on TV by our mass media to get clicks.
Citizens who support him would appear incompetent to vote. Without any ability for critical thinking.
Maybe we need blinking red “Lie” indicators required on any show that calls itself “news.” And a law forcing them to publish a retraction whenever they broadcast a proven lie. Why would Network TV continue to broadcast the proven lies of Donald Trump?
I guess because all people love to watch a train wreck and it gets ratings, which sets ad rates. In other words, profits. This perpetuation of lies by media and direct to millions of citizens via social media was not possible until the last decade. Now reporters interviewing reporters is called “news,” instead of just the facts. Of course, Fox News is the worst, and really not news at all. It is hard to watch Fox “News” for more than 10 minutes without blatant slamming of Biden as the source of all evil. Pandering to conspiracy theories and the radical right for a niche of ad dollars. Not news!
Bonus: Frontline video on How Donald Trump became a bully
Bob Norton is a long-time Serial Entrepreneur, CEO and investor who founded six companies with four exits that returned over $1 billion to investors for a 25X ROI. Two others are still in development. He has trained, consulted and advised thousands of Entrepreneurs, CEOs and boards since 2002. Mr. Norton works with companies to 2X to 32X growth rates and valuations using AirTight Management™, the world’s most comprehensive Leadership Operating System. He also helps companies raise capital to fund growth. He is the Founder of The CEO Boot Camp™ and Entrepreneurship University™ for early-stage companies that have not reached product-market fit and $1M ARR.
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