The Scaling Experts | Small Business Growth O/S

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Frequently Asked Questions – Under construction: We systematize businesses to grow faster and more smoothly using proprietary IP and decades of experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Both. There is a huge amount of intellectual property (IP) which is a product that is dropped in as part of a holistic process. This process includes consulting, training and coaching. We have found that the only way to be successful 100% of the time, when many initiatives fail, is to provide all four parts in an integrated way.

No. We recommend implementing the leadership and management principles as a foundation and not using any software to start except word processing and a spreadsheet. You never want to automate things that are not tested and working well already.

Yes. While developing the implementation plan in the first week we will look at your company’s systems and procedures and make recommendations as to the order of implementation. Of course, we will discuss this and then mutually agree on the first couple systems that will be implemented for the maximum impact quickly.

Each system is modular and can be implemented separately. Even one can have a significant impact on a company. However, implementing them all created a “Closed system” that is virtually guaranteed to create a market leading company because few companies do even one or two of these systems well.

No. The flat rate for the implementation of each module includes all needed training, consulting, and coaching needed and clients have the right to use these materials within the company forever. However, to train new employees and maintain the high-performance we create after we are done with our work there is a small annual fee to have access to the optional Learning Managment System (LMS) based on the number of employees.

You cannot, however, relicense, sell or give these copyrighted materials to anyone outside your company as the license is limited to use inside your company only. These materials consist of many files, forms, models, and tools that are proprietary and only available to companies that contract with us for implementation. That said you get a license for only the tools we are paid to install for each system. We have six main systems, and each can be a separate package. You cannot buy one system and use all six as this would fail without proper implementation. This is why we do not sell or license the product alone but only as part of a package of services.

It seems like a simple question, an expert, but an expert in what? There are literally many hundreds of different expert types, and the main problem is people without those skills will have great difficulty selecting the best consultant. Therefore, most people do not even realize what expertise they need.

A Consultant is not the same as a “Contractor” which does a specific skill that you can easily understand with clear input and outputs at market hourly rates. Most business consultants serve as professional advisors to help companies in very specific areas like strategy, marketing, sales process, technology/IT, finance. Each of these areas has many, many specialties too. For example, a finance consultant can be a bookkeeper, and Accountant (CPA) a Controller or a Chief Financial Officer level person and more. Others, like us, have a broader promise to achieve broad corporate goals and need decades of experience. We can even help you find quality consultants in many of these areas, but we do not do all these things, except at the vision, strategy and management/leadership levels.

Also, a coach is not the same as a consultant. A coach is a guide that does not actually implement anything but is working to guide you and enhance your abilities. We offer coaching services as well when they are appropriate and can impact a company’s success. This can be either coaching the CEO, executive team or managers.

We are different than most in that we work across the entire company on strategy, leadership, management, and business model issues to grow a company more rapidly. This is sometimes called Organizational Development (OD) or Organizational Change Management (OCM) and is designed to morph a company into a better one and adjust to all changes from growth or outside factors.

A consultant is a specialist in a particular area with deep experience. A coach is more concerned with a broader picture and the team and individual’s performance. Coaches help team members grow faster by giving them guidance and mentorship as well as designing development plans for each coachee. .

There are hundreds of consulting specialties like digital transformation, CRM, sales, fundraising, processes improvement, etc. A consultant usually has a well-defined project with a start and an end with specific objectives.

Typically, a company needs both coaches and consultants at various stages of development and inflection points in the business. Coached uplevel key staff and are beneficial for both the company and coachee. Growing businesses need to hire many people and if an individual wants to move up as the organization grows they will most likely need some coaching.

Yes. To qualified CEOs, Owners, investors, and Board of Director members only. Typically, this is a 30-minute call, but for larger companies or teams an hour is sometimes appropriate. An initial consultation is not a sales call and it’s FREE. We become investors in our clients via our time invested and so we consider this both a qualification process and our initial due diligence.

We want to provide full transparency and understand your company’s current status, stage, opportunity for growth and learn about the team you have so far. It is a given that you will need to add to your team to grow over time and that is one of the most critical things to plan and visualize. In fact, we expect an engagement will require lots of hiring and change to grow more rapidly and add tens of millions in equity value.

If you qualify, we will schedule a longer meeting where all the key decision makers on your team should attend. If, after that, we are both interested in proceeding, we will put together a detailed proposal. If you do not qualify for our program, or we do not believe we can solve your company’s challenges, then we are going to tell you that and may make some referrals to people who can help you.

To get the answer of your question you need to check our team portfolio, testimonials, or other relevant info or pages available on our website. It’ll help to build credibility and encourage you to continue to explore our further details.

By definition consultants are specialists in one thing with deep knowledge in a particular skill set. There are literally hundreds of types of consultants, and you need to find one who has solved exactly your type of problems dozens, if not hundreds, of times before. Because our Founder, Bob Norton, has been a CEO since 1989 he can consult in many areas of business at the strategic level. It typically takes at least five years full-time work to become an “expert” in any area.
Like any personal service all success depends on the individual. Anyone can claim to be a consultant without being qualified or sufficiently experienced, so it is important to work with individuals who have ten or more years’ experience doing that exact thing. Typically, the consulting process involves three main steps:

1. Discovery – Gathering the information about the problems and goals and interviewing the people involved in the area or project. Most often clients do not understand the root cause, only the symptom that can be several levels away.

2. Design – Developing the plan to solve the problem that can achieve the project goals which should have specific deliverables, a time schedule, budget and definition of what would mean success.

3. Implementation – Although some consultants do not implement at all and will expect the client to implement the plan, some will take responsibility for implementation at various levels of responsibility. Often implementation requires training, coaching, and lots of rolls up the sleeves work with employees and or contractors. Sometimes a Fractional CXO is needed to implement. Think about it, if you had the skills to implement the solution, you likely would have never needed a consultant in the first place. Right? We know from history and statistics that without all these elements, most projects will fail.

Our clients typically range from 5 to 200 employees with $1M to $30M in annual sales. We occasionally work with larger companies in a particulate department or division also, as everything we do applies in every single big company. However, large companies usually have more systems already in place.

For raw startups and early-stage companies without revenue, we provide training and coaching that can be seen at

We work with very select raw startups without revenue when there is a team or very clear plan and some capital invested. Our CEO Boot Camp and Master of Business Acceleration programs are effectively an “Incubator in a box” that is ideal for pre-revenue startups and all founders to triple their chances of success or more. These programs take you through the first year of a startup to launching a product. These programs can be found at:

You can also see a free one-hour course on the many skills a team needs to launch a successful startup company.

We can help virtually any company in any industry because leadership, management and strategy are generic skills across industries. Some of the industries we serve include technology, healthcare, Internet/e-commerce, distance education/e-learning, financial services, enterprise software, wealth management, personal development. Blockchain/crypto, AI, AR/VR, metaverse and web 3.X, website & digital marketing and many more.

Our consultancy service prices are dependent on many different factors and the problems faced by your company. We typically prefer to do flat-rate contracts to solve a particular problem, but will sometimes do time and materials work also. Sometimes it is not possible to provide flat rate quotes for a contract until some significant work is done to fully flesh out the problem and design possible solutions. When this happens, we will charge by the hour or day. However, we have spent decades developing intellectual property that comes with AirTight Management’s contracts. This includes over 360 training videos, hundreds of models, six professional certifications for managers and hundreds of tools collected over thirty years. These assets save the client lots of time and money and so will be priced into our contracts also.

Average rates for business and executive coaches are typically $384/hour. Consultants vary greatly based on the supply and demand, area and experience level, and they usually charge $150 to $500+ per hour. Industry leaders with famous brands charge $25,000/day and even more. Larger consulting firms typically charge more to cover their large overhead, partner profits, and usually hire and train younger people and direct them with engagement leaders. We do not have any of the overhead and so can provide far some of the most competitive rates, often less than half what a larger firm would charge.

Contractors do a specific job, usually for an hourly or day rate, and should be hired when you already understand the problem well and just need additional people power at an hourly rate. Contractors usually charge about 40% higher rates than an employee to compensate for no benefit, vacation time, downtime spent marketing and selling their services and other overhead they must pay for themselves like increased social security taxes. Of course, usually the best people charge the highest rates as they are likely to be able to complete the project with fewer hours. Getting flat rate project fees is a way to protect both parties and ensure the project is properly defined before starting. Whenever possible, we provide our clients with a not-to-exceed cost estimate before beginning any work. Sometimes new problems are discovered that are outside the scope of the defined project along the way. This is called “Scope creep” which can be quoted separately or paid by the hour as it is not fair to expect a consultant to cover work not defined in the original contract.

There are several reasons to get some help from a consulting firm. The most important is to not “reinvent the wheel” by leveraging the experience of people with decades of experience that have already solved that same problem many times. This is likely to result in significant savings of both time and money.

Secondly, when your company is struggling with new challenges, it is highly likely that a specialty consulting company has solved these problems many times before and can do it quicker, at lower cost and with less risk.

Our specialties, which include scaling, entrepreneurship, strategic planning, dashboards, process management, management systems, leadership and organizational development (OD/OCM) require very broad and deep business experience. Hence, we only use people with twenty or more years’ experience who have actually managed businesses for many years and people for decades.

Most consultants have narrow and deep expertise in one area. They have never grown or managed a business, while our Founder grew two startups to $100M and $156M in sales in under five years each and has helped hundreds of other client companies grow more rapidly since 2002.

To solve this problem our initial consultation with a potential new client is a free of cost, no-risk meeting where we can determine if we can provide a viable, cost-effective solution to you. There are problems that must be solved at any cost. If you have no financial resources then a consultant may not be an option.

An initial consultation is free and designed to explore how we can help and if we would be a good fit for you and your challenges. More importantly, there are things that you cannot afford to not do. Consultants are often the answer to those problems that can make a company go sideways, or up and down, sometimes year after year.

If you have been struggling to solve the same problem for more than a few months without success, or tried a few things and failed, it is usually time to bring in a specialist consultant. The thing to do is calculate the cost of not solving the problem. The lost opportunity can be six and seven figure numbers if a problem continues for a year or more unsolved. Or even lost market share.

We are a business growth consultant but also provide a product called AirTight Management which is intellectual property that took decades to develop. This is licensed for use to our clients only.

There are many reasons behind to have a business coach, these may include but not limited to entering new areas of business where you have not been successful before. For example starting a new company, reaching a new stage of development, launching new products and developing both company strategic plans and professional development plans for the senior staff. Some people also need help in the areas of motivation, accountability, brainstorming, problem-resolution, alternative strategy development and other areas.

Because management, leadership and strategy are generic skills across most industries, we are open to working in any industry. Most often, we work with technology companies that have some competitive advantage and barriers to entry that allow better margins and more rapid growth. These are companies that have the highest chance to grow quickly and benefit by many millions in added enterprise value from our services. We have worked in over forty industries and our systems are industry agnostic. Some of the industries we have worked in include medical, software/SaaS/Apps, hardware, ecommerce, online information services and databases, B2B services, Internet/Web3, AI, Crypto, remote/online/distance learning, financial services, enterprise software, personal development, real estate,

The answer is no. Nobody can make such a guarantee unless you are borrowing against assets or cash-flow.
If somebody ever does this, it’s better to run away quickly as they lack integrity – unless it is their own money. The world is full of scammers and finders that take advanced fees and never deliver any value at all. These situations are usually a scam.

A good business plan and team are essential to raise outside capital. However, even both will not guarantee funding. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of traps and false beliefs on raising money out there that are propagated by the press and shady characters. We will try our level best to help you prepare, which is where most founders fail. It is not about your pitch deck, it is about the viability of your company including team, market, progress on product development and sales and the market potential. We can coach, and we can mentor, but at the end of the day, it’s your business and you must close the deal.

Free resources we have created about raising capital:

1. Download my free e-book here on The Top 8 Reasons Companies Fail to Raise Funds.
2. View my free webinar replay with loads of dense and valuable content called How to Raise Millions for Any Company here.

Yes. We provide consultancy services and share strategies to raise capital, and can sometimes make informal introductions to potential investors or other intermediaries. Contrary to popular belief ninety percent of raising capital from angels and venture capitalists is about proper preparation, not just “The deck”. Like most things in life, winning happens through years of preparation, not on race day, from luck of by “faking it until you make it”.

Most companies seek funding too early when they are not prepared and burn their bridges before they have any chance at all. This is why over 90% of companies seeking funds will fail. Only one in four hundred plans sent to venture capitalists will be funded, and most often these are experienced CEOs and entrepreneurs that have made money for investors before. The boy/girl wonder” that raised $5M out of college is a one in a million shot, not a strategy. And it only happens when there is “Adult supervision” behind the curtain.

In general, only brokers licensed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) can legally arrange financing for a fee (percentage of the deal. You should make sure that any “finder” you talk to is properly licensed with FINRA before you hire them. If you failed to do so, they could expose you and your company to significant legal liabilities for securities fraud and violations.

Yes, besides management consultants, we are angel investors too. In fact, we prefer to invest in our clients by taking a significant portion of our fee in equity, so our interests are 100% aligned. You cannot possibly pay us enough in cash to add $30 million in equity value to your company, which is often about the goal from a one-year engagement. We do not think small and will expand your thinking, guaranteed. Even more importantly, we will greatly improve your chances and valuation in a few months.

If you really want to run a new business model, then it’s probably safe to say yes. If you are launching a restaurant, franchise or simple business you may be able to avoid this cost, but you will likely not raise money from outside invested without one. This does not need to be a forty-page document and can be in slides, but this is the only way to validate the market and design of your business model. Research shows that 42% of startup businesses fail because they find out there is no market need for their product. This is inexcusable and a total waste of a year or more, and all your invested capital too. We specialize in preparing the capital-raising strategy that will attract quality investors.

Absolutely, but maybe not in the way you expect. We do not offer to “introduce you to investors”. Most people that do that are scam artists. Think about it. If you were a VC and someone was constantly bringing you deals for a fee, would you trust their integrity and judgement? In truth no one with a good reputation will do that until they deeply understand and trust the company’s CEO, plan, integrity, and market opportunity. This takes days of work with them to understand well enough.

In a world in which fewer than 1 in 400 business plans ever raise venture capital, we are happy to report that most of our clients will be successful at this endeavor. Many others resulted in an acquisition or currently have commitments for investment from prior round investors. This process is complex and involves many disciplines including marketing, sales, finance, operations, product development/innovation, management, leadership and many more. This is why only 1 in 400 companies will every reach $10M in sales. And 1 in 6,300 will reach $100M. So, many skills are required from a team, and there are hundreds of ways to fail and few ways to succeed. Every business is unique and needs a handcrafted financial strategy and business plan specific to the client. Even pitching investors has many skills and is an art that comes from experience.

Free resources we have created about raising capital:

1. Download my free e-book here on The Top 10 Reasons Companies Fail to Raise Funds.
2. View my free webinar replay with loads of dense and valuable content called How to Raise Millions for Any Company here.

That is like asking how much does a home cost? It depends on dozens of factors. Typically, we impose a flat monthly fee determined by dozens of factors. So, it is impossible to generalize. We design a program of just what you need and nothing you do not need.

Some factors include:
1. The project’s scope, or the tasks you need assistance with, and at what level. Level can be doing it all, coaching you through it out, just some quick consulting to set direction.

2. How experienced is your team in each critical area that success will pivot upon.

3. How sophisticated and particular your target market is and the amount of capital required to get there.

4. The caliber of your current materials, such as preliminary versions of business plans, financial projections, market and competitor research, etc. For instance, our labor can be greatly minimized if you already have a current, detailed study report from a big market research company like Forrester. Frankly, I have never seen a single pitch deck or plan I could not improve by 50% to 100% in just a few hours work.

5. The clarity of your vision and business model, marketing plan and product, your financial projections, etc.

6. Your ability to contribute to the creation of the investor presentation, financial model, and business plan.

7. The complexity of your business model and industry/sector.

8. The objectives and transformation we are setting out to accomplish.

Because of these many factors, the investment for a typical project varies massively, just like the price of a home. Ask yourself how much you would pay for someone to add $10M to your sales or valuation? $20M? $100M in five years? Or to double your growth rate? We will do that math and offer a compelling ROI for that investment as a partner.

Further, if you do not have $2,000 to spend do not waste your time talking to consultants as that is sort of a minimum to do a small project. Many would not get out of bed for less than a $5,000 advanced retainer. Remember with a) Discovery, b) Design and c) Implementation and/or reporting the solution you are talking days of work for a person that can demand a salary of $200K, $500K or even $1M+ per year. You are hiring an expert with decades of experience that cannot just do the job well, but also do it two, three or even ten times faster than you.

No consulting firm we know of offered refunds. We do not offer any cash refunds, as these fees cover our time.

Our platinum package includes a first in the industry guarantee of performance where part of our fee is not earned without meeting our mutually agreed upon goals. This will be specific to each deal as we must complete discovery to determine what this will be.

We would be happy to provide a 30-minute free assessment session to determine if you are ready to raise capital. There are many variables, and it is often not a yes/no answer so much as what could be done to drive up valuation, have more potential investors interested and raise capital more efficiently. It is rare, if ever, that we cannot drive up valuation and options by doing a few additional things. click here

Yes. However, a better question may be can you afford not to solve your problem? What is the opportunity cost lost in time, growth and sales? We have designed our services for smaller companies from $1M to $30M in sales and charge a fraction of what larger consulting firms do because we have much lower overhead, staff and no advertising.

We provide a variety of engagement alternatives with varying speed and depth and can usually beat any competitor due to our vast experience and the leverage created by our intellectual property that no one else has. The AirTight six systems are also modular and can be installed one at a time, so you are generating extra cash after just one to pay for the others and further growth, sales and valuation. We are also not funding lavish partner salaries and bonuses that larger consulting firms pay their staff. We are lean and mean. Furthermore, we have literally had competitors call us and ask us to lower our prices!

We prefer to set flat rate retainer or project fees over daily/hourly pricing since it gives you a clear understanding of the cost from start to finish as well as what you will get for your investment. This also allows us both to look at the ROI and value objectively. We would not even consider a job where the client cannot obtain a 10X ROI, and often it can be 100X over time because what we implement will be used for many years to come yielding continuous gains in profit, sales and/or savings. However, if a job is not well-defined, it can be impossible to quote a flat rate without some paid discovery work first. Sometimes we do provide hourly business coaching and consulting when appropriate.

If you need a qualified outside sounding board for a new business idea or problem with a small project. Executive coaches on average charge $384/hour. Consultants range widely from $100 to $1,000/hour. So many factors. And like in most situations, you get what you pay for because quality people know their market value.

Anyone can be a consultant, regardless of whether they have a website and are qualified with appropriate experience. I urge you to meet the person you will be working with face-to-face whenever possible. By video is almost as good. This is the only way for both parties to assess the situation well and to get a sense of the caliber of their experience, knowledge, and counsel. We typically expect to have two or three meetings before we start work to define the project and sign an engagement contract.

We provide a free 30-minute meeting is that we do not accept all engagements and we are qualifying you to work with us also. We can dive into and diagnose problems as fast as anyone on the planet and will likely have a sense of your root problem(s). Sometimes these can be obvious to us even after only 30 minutes but designing the solution and digging deeper is always necessary.

Therefore, you can see that having a Zoom meeting will be advantageous for both parties. It’s also FREE! And you are likely to walk away with valuable advice even if you do not engage us. Schedule a call now by clicking here

Are you ready for the big time? To scale at 25%, 50% or 100%+ CAGR? CEOs Get a Free Assessment.

Growth and Scaling

Running a business is easy!
Growing a business is not!

Call to get industry-specific case studies.

Or Call (619) SCALE06, (619) 722-5306 from 9am to 6pm CT.

This is not a sales call but an assessment of your company’s ability to scale and eligibility for our $10 million guarantee. In any event, we will guide you towards greater success. We will study your website and other materials in advance.

Bob Norton, CEO and Creator of AirTight Management and The CEO Boot Camp
Bob Norton, Our Founder and CEO oversees all engagements. Mr. Norton founded and sold four companies for over $1 billion total, returning a 25X ROI to investors. He has helped hundreds of companies as a trusted adviser, fractional CEO/COO and Board of Director member. He also created The CEO Boot Camp and has trained thousands of CEOs from over 45 countries.
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