Build Your Dream Business Attracting the Best Investors and Employees. Only 1 in 400 businesses ever reaches $10M in sales. Learn why, and how to be one of those companies.
The Best Training for CEOs and Entrepreneurs. 1,000’s Graduated Since 2004

Learn What Billionaires Know:
- Grow Any Business to $10 million, $100 million, or more
- Become a Top CEO and/or Entrepreneur
- Avoid the 85% failure rate of startups
- Create generational wealth while changing the world for the better
- Raise Millions from Outside Investors for Any Company
- Attract Top Co-Founders and Team Members
- Get much higher valuations from investors earlier
A complete blueprint for starting and running high-growth businesses.
Graduates of the Live Seminar have called it the "2-Day MBA". One Harvard MBA asked: "Why did I not learn this in my $100K+ MBA program?"
Take Your Business to the Next Level - And Make Your Company Financeable You Will Leave with the Plan to Add at least $1M to Your Company's Value
100% Actionable, Practical Value You Will Take Away:
12 Complete Systems for Every Area of Your Businesses,
150+ Tools and Models Plus Hundreds of Best practices.

- Triple your chances of success by doing superior market research, competitive intelligence, and market entry strategy, driving more sales faster. (3 Systems)
- Learn how to design and optimize any business model to enter and win any market and have zero competition (5+ tools)
- Includes all the tools you need, plus coaching guidance in workshops. We address all of the 18 most common reasons companies fail.
- Complete systems for: Marketing, Sales, Finance, Operations and 10x innovation in Product Development
- Learn to build the perfect team using The Skill Set Matrix™ and three other tools that greatly increase your hiring success
- Avoid the most common mistakes that kill companies and prevent them from raising money. And cut years off your learning curve.
So much is included, it is impossible to list it all here
This is the most comprehensive framework for designing, launching and growing companies on the planet today.
And the only one built entirely by a 4X exit serial entrepreneur.
There is a FAQ on the registration page, or you can call (619) SCALE06 between 9am and 9pm CT.
Entire Classroom Poll at Boot Camp End - This was the very first CEO Boot Camp in 2004 - And we get better every year.
100% of attendees agreed that The CEO Boot Camp would save or make them at least an extra $100,000 in the coming months or year.
“If I had these models years ago I would be many millions of dollar richer. — Michael K. CEO of PC Security Software Company”
“Very helpful information – my exact purpose was to learn about the things I didn’t know I didn’t know. So this was right on. — Greg S., President”
“(The Boot Camp) Opened my eyes to many things I do not have a solid understanding about and confirmed much of what I am doing right.”
12 Systems for Launching Companies
Hundreds of Tools & Models and Best Practices in:
- Strategy, poitioning, differentiation
- Vision & Business Model Design
- Raising Capital at higher prices sooner
- Management & Leadership
- Marketing
- Sales
- Operations
- Finance
- Risk reduction
- Hiring & Team Building
Who Should Attend?
CEOs, COOs, Entrepreneurs, General Managers and Managing Directors who either run or want to run a business.
Warning: This program is not for the faint of heart. Only highly committed, serious CEOs & entrepreneurs that want to build a significant company should apply. This is an intensive training. No wimps allowed.

This is the only comprehensive, "How To" course created by an actual, successful Serial Entrepreneur with over $1 billion in exits and a 25X ROI to his investors
There is no other program in the world with this material. It was compiled over 30 years as a CEO collecting best practices from about 1,000 books and 100's of consulting engagements.
John Assaraf, of The Secret fame, and Founder of three multi-million-dollar businesses
Bob has helped John in three different business ventures and been an adviser and consultant in strategy, company development, and technology.
John interviewed Bob about starting and scaling businesses on his program “Ask the Experts.” about scaling businesses.
Comments from John’s four interviews of Bob: “I am sitting here thinking, boy, this guy knows a lot, a hell of a lot more than I know about business… He knows the processes, systems, and questions to ask. . . If you want to get your business to $5M, $10M, or $20M, these are the types of questions you need to learn.”
“I am going to be watching this (interview) video over and over again.”

When I first became a CEO, I began reading four to six books per month. I subscribed to books on tapes, went to many seminars and more.
Although I had run product development groups of 60+ people for years it was overwhelming to suddenly need to learn about marketing, sales, operations, finance, management, leadership and more. My management experience and expertise was mainly in engineering, software and product development.
Now, as CEO, I was instantly responsible for everything. This is one reason about 85% of new companies will fail today. CEOs are only created by on-the-job training.
In my reading I also began to notice that most Authors were specialists in only one thing, few, if any, had the broad experience of being a CEO. They could never tie everything together in a framework that would enable success. Almost none had even ever run a complex business. And the ones that did were in larger companies, not startups or small business – which are actually much harder to run because you need to figure everything out. These Authors’ expertise was an inch wide and a mile deep, when being a CEO and Entrepreneur is about needing to be a mile wide and a few inches deep. Broad, strategic, collaborative to tap into others knowledge and experience as needed.
What I needed was a broad perspective and scope to learn all these business disciplines at the highest, strategic level – knowing I would never be an expert in them all. With that experience and my structured, engineering background, I knew I had to create The CEO Boot Camp. It took me over a year, and I created hundreds of slides, best practices and concepts I had been using and teaching clients for years. That program was given on a very limited basis with about 2-3 per year starring in 2004. Then in 2020 I decided to put all the courses online and offer it virtually on demand. So now you can start anytime and take it at your own pace without the expense of airfare and hotels.
I truly believe that it will allow you to save or make an extra $100,000 within a year. Every graduate has agreed with this statement! Most should make millions using this information over their careers. Many have done that using just one tool or concept applied to their business. It is possible to make 20X, or even 100X from your investment just in the first year. It is just a matter of how long that ROI will take.
And we offer a 100% money back guarantee until you have taken one-third of the courses.
So, register today if you want to be in that top few percent of Entrepreneurs that will succeed in creating a new and innovative business that generates wealth and jobs. I hope to meet you there.
Bob Norton, CEO Coach, Adviser and Mentor

How You Will Benefit By Attending?
- Design and position a business for sustainable competitive advantage. Which is the #1 thing smart investors look for to invest. And increases equity value 2X to 10X!
- Optimize a business model for minimum capital and risk with the ability to attract both the best employees and investors.
- Better define the exact skills your team needs and learn how to hire better.
- Define a financing strategy, which most fail to do, so you can bootstrap, build the business and not give it all away to investors.
- Inject entrepreneurial spirit into any company culture.
- Improve product development productivity by a factor of 5 to 10x using 12 proven techniques.
- Develop a marketing, communications and the messaging that will resonate with your target market.
- Develop and improve your corporate vision to motivate and attract the best employees, customers and partners.
- Plan, design and manage a sales department using the best channels and strategies.
- Hire the best people in every area understanding what personality type each role requires for success.
- Adjust your management style to the appropriate stage of development of the company as it grows. Most fail miserably here.
- Manage and develop employees using the best methods for each individual.
And far more that you can only experience.
- Twelve courses in every key area that a CEO/Entrepreneur needs to understand to succeed. Each is guaranteed to improve your business. 12 Systems, 100+ Tools. Hundreds of Proven Principles, Tips and Hacks.
- Downloadable manual with space for your notes and ideas so you can focus on content and applying it to your business, not taking notes. This is something you can and should use your entire career.
- A $1 million business improvement plan you will execute over a year after the Boot Camp with all the best ideas from each course applied to your business.
- Group coaching and Q & A sessions with our Founder Bob Norton every two weeks to cover any areas where you have questions.
- Full Learning Management System (LMS) that will track your progress and resume wherever you left off. Replay, pause and dig in as much as you want on your schedule.
- Graduates receive The CEO Tool Kit with over 125 tools, Models, forms and articles for CEOs and Entrepreneurs. Some of these files are legal documents that could save you thousands on legal fees, and far more on costly mistakes. Guaranteed to impact your business.
- Frameable completion certificate: “Master of Business Acceleration” to show off your accomplishment. See on registration page.
- Money back guarantee available if you decide this is not for you in the first two weeks and less than one-third through the courses. Note you will not receive a license to use the materials and kit in that case.
With The Art and Science of Business Design™ you will learn a proprietary, comprehensive system for designing, developing, improving and running any business. And with a 100% success rate!
Even though we offer a 100% money back guarantee, no one has ever taken it!



Marketing & Branding



Intellectual Property

Team Building

Checklists, roadmaps, models and other tools to be in the top 5% of founders, CEOs and companies.
“The Boot Camp gave me all the information I needed to develop my new company.”
“I would recommend any CEO or high level executive that . . wants to think more out of the box . . attend. And have a new vision to run your company.”
“A great experience, lots of fun, met some great people . . . “
“Mr. Norton is a true visionary who can also execute. Few people have the ability to do both.
— General Partner, Investment Banking Firm”
Paul has the distinction of having attended The CEO & Entrepreneur Boot Camp five times.
“Most people are full of claims, Bob could back them all up.”
“As I saw the quality and depth of material . . . quite dense . . learned a lot and saw others learning a lot. . . Bob’s ability to capture it with words and provide powerful visual images . . . not only was it a powerful visual but effective.”
“The boot camp was two days . . and at 5pm on Friday no one had gone home . . ended around 7pm. The people were there due to real interest and need that was fed. . . . Everybody got something different out of the same presentation.”
“Your gonna love it but it is not going to be easy.”
Charlie L., Founder of Software and Database Company
“The Boot Camp put it all together in a way that will allow me to accelerate my business in a remarkable way. It gave me all the information I needed to develop my new company.”
“The senior leadership of any organization should attend . . as a basis to get everyone into alignment.”
“I would have avoided a huge mistake several years ago if I had used Bob’s system when I hired a CFO who cost my company over $40 million, and we would have saved another $10 million several years before that too.
— David L. OUCH!”

Graduating class in Lagos Nigeria – There were 88 graduates that week. Here are the CEOs who attended the photo session after. And, yes, Bob Norton was the only white guy in the room (center).
Composite of entire class and individual testimonials from first Nigerian CEO Boot Camp in 2009.
“I wish I could have had this many years ago before starting my business.”
If I had this when I started, I would be far ahead of where I am now.”
I think (the Boot Camp) will allow us to quadruple the value we generate in our business plan which we just finished a month ago but will now rework using what we learned here to expand faster.
I get it completely. I am in. Show Me Registration Options to Apply Now.
I want to earn my Master in Business Acceleration (Administration is for wimps) in just weeks.
Note: We reserve the right to reject applicants for any reason and do recommend 5+ years work experience before founding any company.

Entrepreneurship University
6 Professional Certifications and Over 40 Courses
Over 40 courses and packages available. Click below to schedule a free strategy call to find out which program is best for you and/or your team to get your company to the next level.

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We never sell your data.
Training CEOs and Entrepreneurs Since 2004. Available nowhere else.
And Now Available Online. At a fraction of the cost!
Not Sure What You Need? Free 30-minute coaching session for Existing Founders & CEOs
Running a business is easy!
Growing a business is not!
Call to get industry-specific case studies.
Or Call (619) SCALE06, (619) 722-5306 from 9am to 6pm CT.
This is not a sales call but an assessment of your company’s ability to scale and eligibility for our $10 million guarantee. In any event, we will guide you towards greater success. We will study your website and other materials in advance.