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Why Do Founders Often Fail as CEOs?

Why Do Founders Often Fail as CEOs?

Why Do Founders Often Fail as CEOs? “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter Drucker In the dynamic world of business, the role of a CEO is crucial for the success and growth of a company. However, it is not uncommon to witness founders, who possess the vision and […]
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11 Elements of successful vision

The 11 Elements of a Successful Vision

The 11 Elements of a Successful Vision There is a lot of talk about creating and maintaining a vision, especially as part of a CEO’s job. In my opinion, ‘vision’ is a term that is both greatly overused as well as largely misunderstood.  Many people consider vision to be an all-encompassing view of the product […]
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What Kind of Team Do You Need to Raise Outside Funding

What Kind of Team Do You Need to Raise Outside Funding?

What Kind of Team Do You Need to Raise Outside Funding? Most investors prioritize the management team when considering investment opportunities. As the saying goes, “A good team will likely fix any problem.” However, accurately assessing and objectively rating a team’s capabilities can be challenging. To improve and understand the current state of a team, […]
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Personality Characteristics Required to Be a Top Entrepreneur and Scale a Significant Business

Personality Characteristics Required to Be a Top Entrepreneur and Scale a Significant Business

Personality Characteristics Required to Be a Top Entrepreneur and Scale a Significant Business Most entrepreneurial failures come to a lack of preparation and the “They don’t know what they don’t know” issues. Especially common in younger people raised on the crazy “Everyone gets a trophy” mentality. The stupidest idea in history is teaching kids they […]
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