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Is Your Annual Strategic Planning Process Done?

Is Your Annual Strategic Planning Process Done? Strategic planning is not just for Fortune 2000 companies; it is essential for any company with more than a dozen people. As the company grows, the time invested in strategic planning will increase, but the benefits will be significant. A recent leadership seminar revealed that only about 20% […]
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What kind of capital should I raise

What kind of capital should I raise?

As an entrepreneur seeking funding for your business, one of the crucial questions to address is the type of capital you should raise. There are various options available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to carefully consider your business’s needs, growth plans, and financial situation before deciding on the type of capital […]
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Six ways to grow business

Six Ways to Grow Your Business

Six Ways to Grow Your Business “Every business has lots more ways to look at these categories. The odds are you can do something with most of these ideas eventually.” “Identify your company’s weakest link and make it a strength” Jay Abrams, a renowned marketing guru, suggests that there are three primary ways to grow […]
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Simple Yet Powerful Management Method

Simple, Yet Powerful Management Methods

Simple, Yet Powerful Management Methods “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” – Peter Drucker As organizations grow, it is easy to have key positions filled by people who limit growth. Therefore, replacement of some people is inevitable as an organization grows it must […]
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