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Top 20 Reasons Startups Fail And How to Avoid Them

This E-Book will also show you how to position your company for success and to raise outside capital.

Over 80% of startups and 90% of the new products fail! This e-Book will help you be in the top 5% that succeed. Here is what's Inside:

1. The 8 top reasons (mistakes really) that startups fail to raise capital – Duh, that’s the title.

2. Why less than 1% of companies ever get true institutional investors like venture capital

3. The thirty-two types of financing that most ignore, even though they are easier to get

4. What your company must pitch to all investors that most miss – Every quality investor wants to see this!

5. How to visual show your competitive advantage and market position

6. What a top market entry strategy, or “Go to Market” (GTM) looks like

7. The target ROI (% return) for each main category of investor – This is huge to understand.

8. The process that can practically guarantee launch success – 42% fail at this!

9. The ten steps to creating a winning pitch deck and the slides you must have – Again most fail here.

Bonus: You will also get a link to our free video course: The Entrepreneur’s Journey which reviews the 30 steps and skills needed to build a successful company.

About Your Instructor, Bob Norton, Serial Entrepreneur and Top Expert in Scaling Companies

  • A Founder of six companies, with four exits and two still in development.
  • As a CEO since 1989 Bob has grown two startups to $100M and $156M in sales within five years each and returned over $1 billion in profits to his investors (a 25X ROI). An average of $71M per year of equity value was created
  • Creator of AirTight Management, world’s first modular, and most comprehensive Management Operating System (MOS)
  • His companies have generated tens of billions in sales and continue to generate over $1 billion per year today in revenue
  • As a Management Consultant and Chief Adviser to CEOs since 2002 he has helped over 200 clients increase their growth rates, sales and company valuations.
  • He has raised over $40 million in startup capital for his own companies and helped clients raise nearly $1 billion. Helped clients exit at values as high as $780M. 
  • Founded six companies, four of which have disrupted industries. Two others are still growing. 
  • Author of four books: The Startup Manual & Leadership, co-written with Warren Bennis, “The Father of Leadership” and 4 eBooks. 
  • Over 200 published articles and 360+ studio produced training videos.
  • Creator of The CEO & Boot Camp and variations for teams and stage of development, which has graduated thousands of CEOs and entrepreneurs from over 40 countries. 
Growth and Scaling Expert Bob Norton

Bob Norton,
Serial Entrepreneur,
CEO Coach and Adviser,
Independent Director

Bob's book on Growth and Scaling

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