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Management Best Practices That Create High-Performance Cultures and Teams

Some Benefits of the AirTight Management Best Practices System #2 PAMS:

  1. PAMS is short for “Performance, Accountability and Merit System”. PAMS creates a high-performance culture by using hundreds of proven best practices in management and leadership. We call this culture a “Darwinian Meritocracy” because it evolves and adjusts based on all situational factors internally and externally.
  2. PAMS incorporates hundreds of the best ideas and proven management techniques from hundreds of books and management gurus of the last 75+ years to create high-performance teams and superior results so you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” or read 300+ books like our founder did to develop AirTight Management

3.  PAMS includes training in the five styles of management every professional manager needs to know and use to maximize productivity, results and each employee’s individual performance. Executive coaching can also accelerate manager development with high ROI when appropriate.

4. Just one of the subsystems we teach has been proven by research to increase corporate value creation by 56% compounded annually on average!

5. PAMS provides a development career path for your best employees, reduces politics, increases trust and focus to drive more revenue and net profit.

6. PAMS provides all the forms, templates and infrastructure needed to manage employees well including proper meeting cadence, to link the corporate Strategy into every level of the organization and individual monthly.

Next Step: Use the pull down menu above under “What is AirTight Management?” to explore each System and decide which you need most to begin exploring. There is a short video on each system with a list of the advantage and some information to help diagnose your company’s most important gaps. Or call to set up a 30-40 minute professional discovery phone call at no cost.

Call (619) SCALE06 to get a free consultation to address your current and issues. We will analyze and diagnose your situation and prescribe a solution at no cost on a 45-minute call with an expert business management consultant, not a sales person.

We can diagnose your growth limiters in a single call. CEOs at $1M+ Companies get a free Growth Audit on this call to identify your growth limiters.

We can diagnose your growth limiters in a single call.
CEOs at $1M+ Companies get a free Growth Audit on this call to identify your growth limiters.

Or Schedule a Zoom Call to Assess What You Need Today

Growth requires discipline and a cadence of management based on proven best practices and philosophies. We have collected these for over 30 years.

Of course, your industry, culture and positioning will be somewhat customized to you but 80% or more is generic for any company and industry. 

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